Delete the 24-hour statuses on WhatsApp and put them back at the same time as before, resetting those who have seen them.. Honestly, with this trick you will drive your contacts crazy, they will see the status with the same date and time of publication and will leave the “seen” reset by your contacts.
How to do it:
- First, just after posting a 24-hour status, create a backup on WhatsApp. The copy is made by giving the 3 vertical dots at the top right -> Settings -> Chats and within Chats down -> Backup. We recommend always saving the copy in a active usual Google Gmail account.
- Once the backup has been created, uninstall WhatsApp whenever you want, that is, when contacts who have seen your published statuses and you want to reset the seen counter and make it come back as when you published the status at the beginning, with the counter seen to 0. Those same statuses will be published when restoring the backup by installing WhatsApp, your contacts will get the status again at the time and date of publication but as if they had not seen it.
- Remember when installing WhatsApp again click on restore backup when you created it in Google Gmail.
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