Both in the professional and personal surrounding, you have surely come across many WhatsApp chats in other languages. If you know the language, that’s perfect, but if not or you’re not sure, you have a great ally, the translation app “Chat Translator” presented by the developer YDZ Labs.
Chat Translator for WhatsApp works in the top part of the WhatsApp application, breaks the language barrier and allows you to chat with everyone, even people who don’t speak the same language. This application automatically translates your messages, making it appear you are chatting in the same language with someone.
The main features are:
– Automatically translate all messages you receive in any language into your native language.
– Automatically detect the other person’s language.
– Automatically translate all messages you wrote into the other person’s language and then send them to them.
It seems magic but this application does it!
It can also come in handy if there are any country restrictions or restrictions from your device side in the Google app store.